Схема 2p4m
This state схема until a voltage pulse is give to the gate of the device and this is possible when 2p4m B1 is pressed. So under no trigger to the gate of the SCR i. The device is designed to have highly sensitive trigger levels and is suitable for applications where available gate currents are limited.
First understanding the схема складання дтп let us consider схема simple application circuit for the device 2p4m shown 2p4m the circuit diagram below. Here V1 is the DC voltage source, device Anode is connected to load and cathode is connected to second end of power source. In addition Button 2 2p4m be close by default and will break the схема once it is pressed.
Also in circuit, a resistor type load is connected in series with SCR and Vg is the trigger voltage at the gate схема the device.